Here at All Clear Exterminating, we can offer you a high-quality termite inspection service. We have a team of reliable and trusted pest control technicians who are here for you. We can help you with any termite issue, ensuring that they are no longer a problem for you and your home.
Our Team of Termite Inspection Technicians
Our highly-trained team of termite inspection technicians is here when you need them. We understand that a termite-related issue can occur at any time of the day or night. This is why we are very proud to offer you our high-quality service.
If You’re Worried About your Home
If you are worried about your home, we can help. We can help you whether you’ve found a winged ant or you think you can hear termites eating your walls. Found in 49 states and causing approximately $50 billion damage every year, termites can cause extensive damage. However, we can help you with your termite issues.
Whether you have your home inspected annually, or you inspect it yourself, you can potentially spot infestations before your home’s foundation is damaged. However, if you think you might have a termite issue or you’re unsure you can ask us to help you out. We offer what we think is the best termite inspection orange county has. We can do a thorough check in every corner of your home to ensure that you can rest easy.
Looking for Evidence
The most common type of termites found in the country is the subterranean termite. Termites will start a new colony from their existing nests. When the weather is mild an alate (A sexually mature adult termite) will be released from the nest one at a time. If you find more than one alate in your home, chances are there is a termite nest nearby.
We can check your window sills for signs of alates. This is where they are more than likely to be as they will be trying to get outside. We might also spot alates around doors or closed windows.
Mud Tubes
Mud tubes can be found near your home’s pipes, in your attic or in a crawl space. Also known as “Shelter tubes”, mud tubes are used by termites to walk along exposed spaces such as concrete footers. Termites are unable to make their way through concrete footers so they build their tubes around or over them.
Made from wood cellulose, soil, and other matter, the mud tubes are made to ensure termites have the humidity levels that they need so they can survive. To determine whether a mud tube is new or old simply remove a small area of it. You should always leave the ends of the tubes undisturbed. Wait a few days and take another look at the mud tube. If it has been sealed back up again it means you have termites.
Construction Joints and Mud
Termites are expert builders and are quite capable of sealing up very small gaps with a bit of mud. This will make them feel much more comfortable in your home. If we spot dried dirt located in concrete or sheetrocks or even in construction joints they are likely to be caused by termites.
Checking Wood Around your Home
In addition to the checks we carry out inside your home, we will carry out checks around your home. This is because termites often use your fence as a source of food. The fence will lead them right into your home.
We will also check any wood that is within four to six inches of the foundation. Termites will use the wood as a protective cover and will eat their way through it.
Fire wood
While you might be tempted to keep a big stack of firewood outside for winter use, it can attract termites. We will advise you to keep your fire wood at least 20 feet away from your home.
Wooden Structures
Decks, sheds, playsets, and arbors are typically used when homes are being constructed. If you have any improvements on your property that have not been made from termite-resistant materials they are vulnerable to damage.
What we will do
Here at All Cleat Exterminating, we will check every area of your home where termites could be. We will look for those tell-tale signs of termites so we can get to work. Using our experience and knowledge, we can detect the presence of termites where they might otherwise be missed.
We can also come to you once or twice a year to inspect your home and deal with the termite issue. If you have any concerns about termites or you want to know what to look out for contact us today. We’re here for you.
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